10 reasons to support local

shop local.

For every $100 spent with them, a small business generates $68 in economic return for local communities; compared to only $43 when money is spent at a national chain. Buy local and support small business owners, the people who live in your neighborhood and know your name. They really appreciate it.

work local.

Small businesses employ 61.7 million Americans and account for 47% of all jobs. Shopping locally creates demands for local jobs – which creates economic stability for banks to provide local loans to individuals and families. 

preserve character.

One-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of the distinct character of a community and make that community viable and valuable in the area. The distinctive character of a unique community pushes against the homogenization of the large retail community.

eat local.

Independent restaurants return more than twice as much money per dollar of sales than national restaurant chains. Eating locally encourages a diet based on seasonal availability. This not only provides a more varied and interesting culinary experience but also promotes a healthier and more balanced diet by aligning with the natural cycles of the environment.

love your mother.

Shopping locally reduces your environmental impact with 26% fewer automobile miles - residents buying with local businesses log fewer miles for shopping trips - less congestion and less pollution. Shopping locally reduces environmental impact with fewer automobile miles, lower carbon footprints, and a focus on locally sourced products.

pay it forward.

Small businesses give back 250% more to local nonprofits and community-led causes, contributing to the betterment of your community.

strengthen community.

Shopping locally strengthens our community. Money spent in our community means a stronger tax base and better public services, leading to improved schools, transportation, and emergency response services. Local businesses are more likely to utilize other local businesses such as banks, service providers, and farms.

support dreams.

By supporting small businesses, you actively invest in the dreams and aspirations of local entrepreneurs, aiding them in attaining success and making meaningful contributions to the broader economic landscape. Fostering an entrepreneurial spirit, backing small businesses empowers individuals to pursue their dreams and ideas, cultivating a culture marked by innovation and creativity.

help your neighbors.

Local businesses are owned and operated by your neighbors! Local ownership ensures that important community decisions are made locally by people who live in and are impacted within the community. Local business owners frequently sell locally made/produced products, frequently sourcing materials locally as well.

make it personal.

Small businesses often provide personalized and attentive customer service, offering a more individualized shopping experience. Many small businesses offer unique and handcrafted products that are not commonly found in larger retail chains.